Musculo-Skeletal Therapy


Musculo-skeletal Therapy (“MST”) is a holistic approach to assessing and   treating the musculoskeletal system using various specialised soft tissue   techniques, muscle energy & neuromuscular techniques, joint mobilisation,   cupping, dry needling, trigger point therapy and stretching techniques.

MST is effectively used to assess, prevent and alleviate pain; enhance   movement and function, rehabilitate injuries, correct postural imbalances and   manage acute & chronic pain dysfunctions.

The initial Consultation involves a full body postural and biomechanical   assessment used to identify areas of primary dysfunction and any associated   compensatory dysfunction. A series of testing procedures involving the muscles,   nerves and joints are used to identify the nature of the patient’s complaint and   allow the formation of the most effective treatment plan. Treatments are   tailored specifically to each patient’s needs and self care/home exercises are   prescribed if necessary.
